Ahhh this week was such a good week!!!!
The reason this week was so GOOD is because we got this family of 5, The Garfias back on date!! I have grown so close to this family! They told us that they want to set the date of December 1st but that they will probably do it before because the mom wants the dad to be here and he is going to be leaving for Mexico during Thanksgiving break!! So we should have their whole family getting baptized in the next week or 2! AHHH I’m so happy for them! We also got another kid back on date! His name is Yohan and he’s one of the first people I met in Mattawa! So I am so happy to see him have that desire again to be baptized again, he wasn't able to make the first date because of parental issues but I am praying this one will go through!
We had exchanges and I was able to stay in my area for the first time without my trainer and run the area! It was so nice! I drove for the first time in 3 months so that was a little weird but I definitely missed it! I learned a lot during my exchange! There are so many different ways of how missionary work. So many ways we can be creative and use our different talents that god has given us to bring the gospel to someone! My zone leader Elder Davis is so tight and gives me so much advice of how I can become better! RIP to him though because this is his last transfer ):! But yeah exchanges went so good!
During exchanges I met this 18 years old at our ward mission leaders house named Javier, that we will probably get on date tonight in our lesson with him!! He came up to me when I was walking through the door and said, " Hey I want to join your church, how can I get the lessons?" I literally froze because I don't think it has ever been that easy to get an investigator! During our lesson on Saturday with him we invited him to read the introduction of the BOM and the 1st chapter of Nephi, then he hit us with the, "Wait can I only read that much or can I read more" we were like shoot bro read the whole thing if you want!!! He came to church yesterday too! He’s so ready for all the blessing that come with this church!! I’m so excited for what the future holds for Javier because he’s such a good guy!
This week me and my companion Elder Carraso have been trying to do things to strengthen our relationship so that we can have the spirit strong as we teach. We were going through things that we used to do before our missions and something that we have had in common is that we both messed around with music and made songs before our mission! After we talked about that we started showing each other a little bit of our bars haha! and shoot my boy Elder Carrasco be sounding like Enrique Iglesias haha! He freestyles so good in Spanish! The other day we had a bad lesson and on the way home he was freestyling to the instrumentals we found in the LDS Music app (surprisingly those songs go hard lol) and he was going in!! As crazy as it seems after we had this talk about strengthening our companionship and finding that rap is the thing that is so common between us, we have gotten so many more people back on date, people calling us to have lessons, finding new people, and having more and more people want to learn from us!
Two of the funniest memories on my mission so far have happened this week!
First one: Me and my companion were trying to find a priest aged kid that could come with us to fellowship one Yohan the kid that we got back on date. We went through the list and decided to pick the branch president’s son, Alec. Alec has probably the worst anxiety and people skills I have ever seen in one person but for some reason we decided to choose him and give him a call. He decided he could come with us and we headed over to the house with him. The problem is that Yohan lives at his moms house some days and his mom told us that we can’t come over there because his grandma is catholic and hates us... lol. So we told Alec to go and knock the door and have Yohan come out so we could teach him the lesson. Haha man it was the funniest thing me and my comp hid behind the corner of the house and sent Alec to go get him. I felt so bad Alec looked like he was going to pee his pants when he was knocking the door! but he got him to come out and we taught him the lesson, so mission accomplished. After me and my comp were like we never doing that again... haha but shoot I'll never forget that. Felt like I was doing some shenanigans with the cousins once again lol!
Second one: Me and my comp needed to go get some stamps from the post office to send our monthly miles in to the mission office. When we got to this store a homeless looking dude came up to us and started to ask us if we were Mormons. We said we weren’t but "we were missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints"…lol. He then began to tell us that we should be Mormons because Mormons were always so kind to him. We told him what we do but he just kept cutting us off and said," you know what you don't even have to join the church you just need to be kind and they accept you as a member" me and my comp kinda looked at each other and laughed and then he started saying that he was actually a teacher in China and asked us if we wanted to learn some Chinese. we said sure (Now this part shocked me so bad) He then asked for a card and started writing Chinese on it and explaining it (I forgot to say he was like 3 inches away from us talking right in our faces with his no teeth lol). He then started speaking fluent Chinese right in front of us and then asked ohh "puede entender mi ingles o es rapido" me and my comp were like oh you speak Spanish too and he straight up was fluent in spanish too! Crackheads these days I swear have super powers... haha We told him we had to go and tried to leave him a picture of Jesus Christ but he decline and said, " I dont like that picture because I know that Jesus Christ had black hair... you know he was a jew" haha we just laughed and told him that we hope he has a safe flight to China! I was dying laughing in the store after!
AHH such a good week though! A couple shout outs for this email! Shout out to my Aunty Joe.. wehhh I mean my Uncle Joe! Happy Birfday, I’ll be forever grateful for all the things that you have done for me in my life!! Shout out to my boys getting to their Islands, Elder Norman in Tonga and Elder Angilau! Ofaz to you 2! Shout out to Day Light Savings for that extra hour of sleep and shout out to all of you that send me emails and letters! I love you all and hope you guys have a great week! Continue to read the Book of Mormon and study the General Conference Talks for in them you can find true happiness in your life!! Love you All!!
Con Amor,
package from sister kaili for my bday...and MMT all day lol |
scary for Halloween, smashed my face in the printer machine hahaha |
Best Zone out here |
sweet pic one of the young woman drew while I was giving a talk! |
Im getting fat but shoot mexican food is so bomb! |
Im getting fat but shoot mexican food is so bomb! |
ME and The zone at the Dari gold and royal dairy |
Had to cover up the bingham sign...haha |
ME and The zone at the Dari gold and royal dairy |
One of the kids of the investigators was playing fortnite so I had to snap a pic! |