First off we had MEGA ZONE CONFERENCE this week which was LITT!!! We had all the northern zones together! We were able to do some good training as well, I love zone conference because its such a boost of energy for me! We talked and focused a lot on making goals and planning to become better missionaries. Another focus was working with the members and asking them for referrals, but not just asking them to give us referrals, asking them if they have people that they can teach, and showing them how to use Preach My Gospel! Its crazy that when we work with members we have more people to teach that week! The MEMBERS are the key! President Thomas S. Monson said, "Now is the time for members and Missionaries to come together, to work together, to labor in the lords vineyard, to brings souls unto him". After all the training we came back into the gym to see the whole gym decorated like it was Christmas! It was so nice we started to plan for LIGHT THE WORLD! I AM SO PUMPED FOR LTW this year! its gonna be crazy! We also made a mission goal of baptizing 22 for the month of December!
Funny story about zone conference: When we were talking about the section of using members and getting referrals for them, President Jackman asked 6 missionaries to come up in front of the zone conference to role play a situation he had thought of! He called on 4 missionaries and then asked for 2 volunteers, I could see him looking around so I was like oh heck no please don't choose me, I don't want to embarrass myself up there (lol) but of course he called on me and my companion to come up. When we got up there I was like oh my trainer will take the lead no big deal, I'll just add in, but then when we got up there my companion straight up was like nope and gave the mic to me. I'm not gonna lie, I was scared (haha) being a new missionary and talking in front of all these missionaries that have been out longer than me... But then I just started to speak and role play and you alreaddddyyyy know I killed it (lol, jk) I did alright and was able to find things I can improve on from the feedback from all the other missionaries! Such a good experience for me though and it really gave me a lot confidence!
This week me and my comp have been able to see a lot of progress in the people that we are teaching! Its so awesome to feel the love that Heavenly Father has for each of his children flow through us as we serve and love the people we teach! Seeing people find that the Book of Mormon is true and the power it has is seriously so awesome! Me and my comp were tracting this past week and ran into an old lady that use to be a member but hates mormons now. She was cussing and yelling at us for a straight 5 mins about how we are wasting our time. For some reason throughout this time she was yelling at us, I couldn't get it out of my head that Heavenly Father loves this woman so much. After the yelling and the cussing, we were able to just calmly talk to her and show her our smiles about how this gospel blesses so many lives everyday! After about 15-20 min talking with her about her past we showed her a video called,"Because of Him"(I recommend 20/10 watch it), after we were able to see peace in her body language as she smiled for the first time we were with her! She told us as we were saying bye that she would like us to come back as well this upcoming week!
Such a good week filled with ups and downs but I know that as we love and serve others and look at those downs as experiences to grow, we will be unstoppable! I know that Heavenly Father loves every one of us so much and wants the best for us! The Book of Mormon is TRUE! I love you all and hope everyone has a good week!
Shout out to Walmart and roll backs because I got a razor and shaving cream for like $9 (haha) letzzzgoooo! Shoutout to Sister Yorgeson as well for hooking it up with the protein drinks!
Con Amor,
Elder Ka'ili
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