Happy New years everyone! This first week of January was so good! Me and My comp Elder Cox were grinding this week and got a lot of stuff done! Sadly this upcoming week is the last week of the transfer and we don't know if we will stay together! But we will find out this Saturday #TRANSFERCALLS! But overall this past week was awesome!
On Tuesday we had interviews with President Jackman. We did them as a companionship over the phone and it was so nice to get advice from President Jackman about what we can do better in our area and how we can improve as missionaries! He seriously is the best and someone I look up to a lot!
Yesterday was soooo weird! 2 hr church has officially begun! We went from being at church for 6 hrs to being at church for only 3! Me and Elder Cox cover a branch and ward and now there at the same time so its has its pros and cons like not being able to attend both sacrament meetings but I really like it! Testimony meeting was so nice, hearing others bear there testimony and being able to feel the spirit is something that I'll never get tired of! Also yesterday for all my Hispanic people was Dia de los Reyes Magos! Dia de los Reyes Magos is a holiday to celebrate when the 3 kings visited baby Jesus to give him the gifts! We eat this super good bread called Rosca, but inside the bread there are 3 plastic baby Jesus's and if you cut a piece and you have one of the baby Jesus's you have to cook for the rest of the family! Haha it was so funny watching everyone try and cut a piece and hoping that they don't get the little plastic baby! We did it last night with our recent coverts haha and it was too funny! Luckily I am a master cutter and didn't get the little plastic baby!
On Thursday Elder Cox and I did a lot of tracting in the morning and went by some referrals we had! We went to a place that I have never been in Mattawa.. its basically on the very edge right by the Colombia River but we had to walk like a mile and a 1/2 to get to this one house. haha on the way back to our car we were walking and just talking and saw these 2 guys in a dirt driveway chasing this pig looking like they were trying to corner it or something so Me and Elder cox kind of just stood there and watched. 2 min later we see one guy have this gun and straight up shoot the pig in the head, then got on top of it with a knife and slit its throat. Me and elder Cox were like oh shoot, I think its time to go hahah it was crazy!
This week we were able to get in contact with our on date for baptism for this upcoming Saturday! I am so pumped and excited for him but I just hope it goes through and nothing gets in the way. I know the gospel is what he needs in his life right now! The gospel just brings this peace that nothing else will and right now he needs that peace!
I love you all and I am grateful to be serving a mission right now! I am heading into my year where I will be a full-time missionary for a whole calendar #CALENDARYEAR. 2019 bout to be the one! I hope you are all excited for this year! Thank you to everyone for the emails and packages, I can't say enough how grateful I am for the support I get from all of you! Little testimony for you all! I know this church is the only true church on the earth today! I know the Book of Mormon is true! Read it! Ponder about it! Love it! It is truly the best book on the earth today! I know the atonement is real and through it we can feel peace and the love that our savior has for us! I love you all and I hope you guys have a good week!
Con amor,
Elder Ka'ili
Right before we saw a pig get murdered haha |
Getting lit for new years eve haha |
Facetiming the zone leaders for District Council |
feeding the cows and the pigs for service! |
Elder cox at the clinic getting his ear fixed lol |
Comp knocking out during comp study haha |
Pozole! So bomb |
Member dinner photo tradition |
Plastic baby Jesus's in La Rosca |
Dia de los Reyes Magos! |
La Rosca!!! |
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