Happy Holidays and Happy New Years to everyone! Its crazy that I hit 5 months out today on my mission! It feels like I just got on the plane the other day to leave to the Mexico MTC (CCM). Time is seriously flying by! This year also flew by too but looking back at this year it was definitely one for the books! Every year my dad has all of us kids make goals for the year for what we want to accomplish and become for the upcoming year! My goal for 2018 was to go on a mission and read the Book of Mormon! Well I guess I can say I accomplished my goals this year because I am writing my family right now from my mission lol. Haha no but jokes a side this year I have learned so much and grown so much in this gospel and I am truly grateful to be a missionary right now! This gospel brings so much joy to one's mind and I am so glad that I can have these 2 years to set apart my life to just focus on sharing this gospel and nothing else! This Church is true, The Book of Mormon is true and Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us! Being on a mission is the best thing ever! It is truly a dream come true!
First Christmas on my Mission was so tight! In the morning me and my zone had a brunch, secret santa and watched The Incredibles! Also I got to talk with the family face to face and finally hearing their voices after these couple of months was so nice! Also seeing both of my grandparents, my cousins, and my aunties and uncles was the best present I could of got this year! After talking with the fam we went over to our recent converts house and I barbecued for them the famous teriyaki chicken! We straight up ate like kings though on Christmas and had another dinner too!
This week my companion went deaf in one ear haha! NO JOKE. One day he was cleaning his ears and stuck the q-tip down his ear too far and made himself straight up deaf. So for the last part of the week we have been doing every trick in the book to fix his ear. We have had members pouring stuff down his ear, lighting ear candles, and flushing his ear out with warm water. Haha its been the funniest thing because after all of that..... he's still deaf haha! During the lessons or when were knocking doors he always has to be on the right side of me so he can hear with his left ear haha! Seriously had me dying this week of laughter!
This week we were able to establish a temple date with our recent convert! It seriously brought so much joy when she finally agreed and said yes she wants to go to the temple on the 12th of January! I seriously cant wait to go! The temple lets us receive all those other blessing that the temple offers! I can't wait till she can feel that and feel of the happiness that come from attending the temple! We also this week got to attend a baptism in Moses Lake because the three kids that got baptized wanted Elder Cox to baptize them! Baptisms are seriously something so special and the spirit is so strong and each and everyone of them!
Since this is the last email of 2018, I hope all of you guys have a wonderful New Years! I hope everyone thinks of goals and ways they can come closer to our savior this upcoming year! With all these changes happening in the church already, I am sure there will be more coming up! I hope we all prepare ourselves the right way so that we can be ready to do whatever our Prophet needs us to do! I love you all and I hope everyone has fun at the gym this week cause it boutta be packed! Haha. Also thank you to everyone that sent me presents and letters this past week! Haha Shout out to my cousin Little Vete for the best drawing though haha! I am so grateful for all the support I feel from you all! Love you all and I hope everyone has a good week!
Con Amor,
Elder Ka'ili
Christmas presents |
Pillow case drawings from my little cousins |
Christmas presents |
Our secret Santa presents |
I BBQ the bomb chicken |
our facemasks... |
Its snowed here |
fixing my comp's ear |
Earwax to fix my comp's ear |
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