But this week was such a good week!
At the beginning of this week I went through my first exchange of the mission! I was able to go to another area called Othello with Elder Davis my zone leader! He is such a good missionary! We were able to do a lot of work and It was nice seeing how other experienced missionaries function and get some new advice from him of how to be a better missionary! It was weird being in an apartment and being able to hear cars at night.. haha I kinda missed my trailer in the middle of the field lol. But yeah it was such good experience. He really pushed me with my Spanish in contacting and it made me realize how much I know. One of the doors we were knocking he was like I'm not talking at all and I was like yeah right, but then the door opened and it was silent for like 5 sec with the old Latino lady looking at me and I was like crap and just opened my mouth and I was able to speak back and forth with her and even taught her about our gospel blesses families in Spanish! THE GIFT OF TONGUES... man its so real! But yeah I gained a lot of confidence in that exchange! It so different speaking in the MTC and then speaking in the field haha I didnt realize that until this past week.
During the week I've realized that following the Holy Ghost promptings are so key in missionary work! I've had 2 major experiences this week where I was just like oh my gosh did that just really happen after we were done teaching.
First Experience: On Friday me and my comp used our dinner gift card for lunch because we thought that we were going to be able to eat with one of the less active families that night. They totally bailed on us and so me and my comp had no money for dinner and we couldn't drive back to our house because we didn't have the miles for that day. So we prayed and after one of the members called us and was like " Hey I don't know if you guys have dinner tonight but my wife is getting dinner out of the oven and we would like it if you guys would come eat with us!" Me and my comp looked at each other and were like no WAY! so we went over there and ate with this old couple in our ward! They were so nice! After dinner we asked the couple if they had any referrals for us, the Hermano said " Yeah I want to go visit a friend that his 2 daughters got in a bad crash, and I think they could use a visit from me and you two" We told him we could and told him to let us know when he wanted to go. The next day me and my comp were having the worst day, so many people bailing on us and nobody was answering their doors and it was way windy and cold. At around 8 we decided to say a prayer and ask where we should go. After the prayer my comp was like lets go tract here in this neighborhood. We have never tracted here. We knocked on 3 doors and again slam,slam, slam. Elder Corrasco was so confused why he got such a huge prompting to come to this neighborhood. We decided lets knock one more door and a lady opens the door, we talk to her and introduce ourselves and she lets us in. When we walk in there were 2 girls one in crutches and ones face was all cut up and bruised. Me and my comp looked at each other and we were like this is the family that the Hermano from the night before wanted us to visit!!! We turned and saw the dad and we introduced ourselves and he said that he knew a member of our church and we were like oh we know! Crazy thing is there was another family that was at the house visiting them as well, and it was the other inactive family we were trying to visit earlier that night! Man, me and my comp couldn't stop smiling at each other! After we taught the lesson the father of the family thanked us and told us he really needed spiritual support that night. Me and my comp went to the car and were like did that just really happen! HAHA! Heavenly Father placed all of us perfectly that night and if we didn't follow the promptings of the holly ghost we would've never met that family and give them the spiritual support they needed! Its crazy to think about how all the timing had to happen for all of us to meet there perfectly. All the doors that got slammed in our faces that day was for a reason, so we could be at that house at night at the perfect time!
Second Experience: Another experience was last night after Book of Mormon class. We had a prompting by the spirit to visit this family that is inactive. We didn't know what to teach about but we knew we just needed to go over there. When we got there we said a prayer and asked to help us get inside the house because every time we go over there they come up with a new excuse why they can't be taught at that moment... We got out of the car and decided to show a video about the commandments. When we were walking to their house their car pulled up and had a trunk full of groceries. Me and my comp were smiling because we knew that was the way to get inside the house! After helping them get all their groceries inside the house we were able to share our message. They mentioned to us that they have been thinking about church and knew that we were sent there for a reason. They also said we were a reminder of keeping the sabbath day holy and going shopping was not keeping the sabbath day holy! It was another miracle by our Heavenly Father using us as his tools! It was awesome! It's crazy how everything happens for a reason and that Heavenly Father plans it perfect for us to be able to teach his children!
I love being a missionary and seeing these experiences everyday!!! The Lord puts those small promptings in all of our heads to do good things and be able to do the things he would if he were on this earth! All the good promptings we get are for a reason, it might be for you and it might be for someone else but you will never know unless you follow them! Let the spirit be your guide and your life will be 20x better!
Something that I am trying to improve in my life and as a missionary is being more humble. The people that we teach are the most humble people that I have met in my life. One of the hermanos that we are teaching moved here from mexico and sleeps on the tile in an apartment with 4 other men from mexico! But this hermano is the nicest person ever and is always making sure we are ok when we are teaching him lessons. Another example is this family that has just been baptized. They live in this beat down trailer in the backyard of someones house. When we went there for the first time, I was like oh my gosh I am so spoiled. We sat down on his bed and it literally almost broke but there he was trying to find us some food in his pantry to feed us. It humbles me so much meeting all these people and seeing how they are living yet they are so happy!
Thank you to all you for the emails and shout out to my Aunty Nica and my family for the bomb package. (Aunty Nica, those smores bars will be killed probably by tonight lol and thank you so much for the other gift, it will be used wisely lol!)
I hope you all have a good week and I challenge all of you to prepare for general conference! Have the best week ever!
Elder Ka'ili

Me making Grape juice straight from the garden with grumpy grandpa lol

My packages

My dog

my comp's face all the time


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