Another great week in the books! We had the opportunity to go to the Colombia River Temple this week and it was so GOOD!!!! I'm not use to temples being that small though because all the temples in Utah are so big! haha but it was still so pretty and the spirit was just as strong! As missionaries we are only able to go to the temple twice a year.... So we have to cherish every moment! The peace that you have in the temple is so unreal and the love that you can feel is awesome! We are so lucky to have temples!!!
One highlight from this week that I will never forget was when we were planning with this family about their baptism! I have grown really close with this family and love them like my own! One of the boys reminds me so much of my little cousin Vete! I've grown really close with him!! But as we were planning the mom of the family asked me if I could be the one to baptize the son!! Man the feeling that came over me at that time, I can't even put into words but it was so amazing. I gladly told her I would! I didn't think that my first baptism was going to come during my training transfer but I am so lucky and blessed for this opportunity! If the feeling I felt just from having the mom ask me to baptize her son was that good, I don't even know what I'm going to be feeling when I baptize him and allow him to be closer to his Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ! I can't wait, we are planning to have them get baptized in November, so I hope everything works out for this family!
This week we tried to do a lot of tracting so we can find more investigators. We were able to find 6 new investigators this week!! Which got us pretty hyped. But during knocking door after door we had some interesting experiences lol. One of the houses we knocked this grandma opened the door and she was a hardcore catholic. She started yelling, waving her arms, and speaking the fastest Spanish ever haha. I didn't understand anything she was saying besides she thinks that our god is Joseph Smith.. haha it was crazy and we just laughed it off and went to the next house. But then the next house we went to we knocked on the door and the guy inside yells, "quien es?" we said the missionaries and he said no one is home and we were like then who are we talking to and he said the spirit of the guy that lives here. haha it was pretty funny, we left him a pass along card and left. Some people that we meet hear the craziest things about our church. But it was good week of tracting a lot because of the people that we found! I love this work and I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for allowing me to serve a mission because its seriously the best thing ever!!!
I love you all and challenge everyone to serve and forgive more! Those two things can bring us so much closer to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I hope you all have a good and blessed week! Thank you all for the emails and the packages, Im so grateful for all of you and I love you all so much!
Elder Ka'ili
Attending the Columbia Temple |
the crazy fog on the way to the temple |
the crazy fog on the way to the temple |
The Colombia River Temple |
-letters from my fav people |
aunty nicas package! |
Starting my picture wall |

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